And she’s off!

Golden Ruin is done. Okay, not completely done…but out of my hands. I sent it off to my copy editor late this afternoon and now I just wait and let them work their magic.

This last draft went through a lot of edits that I’m really happy with. It feels the most cohesive and well rounded it’s been since I started writing it in March last year. I’ve learned a LOT from writing this first book, and will probably make a whole separate post about that down the line.

It’s strange to have it out of my hands after so long, but I’m also excited to start outlining my next novel. It will be very different from Golden Ruin and I’m excited to dig into it. I want to keep it all a secret for now, but I’m excited to share bits and pieces as I go through it.

GR was like one big secret — no website, social media, or anything. Only three people even knew I was trying to write a novel. So it’ll be really exciting to share the whole process, not just what the last lap looks like.

In the meantime, I’ve gone a bit wild and comissioned a bunch of artwork to include in the book, as well as goodies to add to a special edition package. More on that soon, because I get too excited not to share everything.

Until next time,

Emma <3


May Update


Let There Be a Title