Let There Be a Title

She has a name! This novel was not cooperating with me when it came time to deciding a title. I’m so relieved to have come up with something that just felt right.

While working on it I was calling it Heart of Darkness after a song I like. This was a BAD IDEA because I grew so attached to the name. Imagine my surprise when I do my due diligence and google it, to find it is already a very famous novella. Can’t compete with that. I will not be naming my future works until they are done and the titles have been vetted.

So, I went back to the drawing board. I asked friends, and even paid for someone on Fiverr to suggest titles, because I needed a title to start doing all the good stuff. The person from Fiverr was lovely, but nothing really jumped out to me. I googled idioms, words in different languages, spent hours on thesaurus.com.

Finally, Golden Ruin emerged. Gold is a very prominent part of the book. The technology is all gold, the land is described as golden. This is an alternate history story post-gold rush. So gold just fits, and I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner. As for “ruin”…well I won’t spoil anything. ;).

In honor of finding the right title, I’ll share some with you that I liked but didn’t make the cut.

The Promises That Led Us Here

Relentless Orbit (this was a front runner)

Forgotten Wastes

Our Hearts Lay Beating

California Icarus

I think all of these would be cool for other projects (if they don’t already exist), but they didn't capture the vibe of the story. So Golden Ruin it is. I hope when this book reaches your hands you agree that it’s a fitting title.

Until next time,

<3 Emma


And she’s off!


Slowly But Surely…