Slowly But Surely…

It’s been very weird to have something I’ve been working on for so long that only lives in the corners of my mind and the slowly dying memory of my second-hand Chromebook. But, after starting my novel just over a year ago, she’s slowly coming to life and existing outside of myself.

I gave my third draft as a beta copy to my brother, a friend, and a Fiverr reader who has given me incredible feedback. I’m currently about a third of the way through draft four. With any luck this will be the last draft before I can send it off for copy editing.

My cover artist is booked for July, my character artist is booked for June, and my editor is booked for the end of May. It’s a lot of waiting and a lesson in patience. I’m in this weird space where I want to finish up this current WIP (which still doesn’t have a title, and it keeps me up at night), but I also want to move into outlining my second novel. I feel like I need to wrap up the first before I can give the second the attention it deserves.

I’ve just started social media which is also a bizarre journey. I haven't had to build new social accounts from the ground up since 2019 when I started my candle business. It’s scary, humbling, and exciting. I have reader friends but no author friends. I’m looking forward to getting to know the indie author community and find my place there.

Overall, this is scary. There’s a lot of thoughts. That no one will like the book. That I’m not a “real” author because I’m publishing it myself. But I also am excited about the characters and world I’ve created, and the experience I’m hoping to build. I can’t wait for cover reveals, release countdowns, and all the good stuff that’s still ahead.

If you’re reading this, thank you. I’m excited to take this journey together.

Until next time,

<3 Emma


Let There Be a Title